Our locationTuttle, OK 73089 Call us(405) 632-4412

Fully Dedicated to Your Safety and Security

A house can catch fire from a single spark from a defective piece of equipment or light fixtures. When the smoke starts to spread, you are at great risk of suffocation. With a modern and well-maintained fire suppression system, you will have absolutely no problems with that kind of mishap. To keep your home or office environment safe, call our team today. We will schedule an inspection of your system or extinguisher with you as soon as possible.

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Oklahoma Fire Safety
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
by Oscar L. on Oklahoma Fire Safety

I would recommend this competent fire protection provider to all local property owners. They are polite, knowledgeable, and prompt in every respect. They come to my office every few months to make sure our system works fine. I am very pleased and grateful for the quality of their customer service. Amazing job, guys.

Services List

  • Fire Protection Services
  • Fire Suppression Systems Installation
  • Sales & Replacement of Fire Extinguishers & Systems
  • Restaurant Hood Suppression System Inspection
  • Fire Extinguisher Inspection
  • Recharges
  • Code Compliance Inspections
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